Structured Text Programming in CODESYS

You will program a PLC in the text-based ST language in free CODESYS environment!

What makes the PLC ControlByte courses so popular?

  • You get access to video lessons on the e-learning platform

  • We provide you project templates.

  • Take the course whenever and wherever you want.

  • All you need is your PC and a simulator!

  • You can start the course at a later date.

  • You will have homework to do on your own!

  • Support through Discord chat and live meetings.

Now for 249€

📖 Join the current group of students and start learning today!

“I believe that everyone in the 21st century should know the basics of programming and automation!”

Matthew Kurantowicz

Master of Engineering in automation and robotics, graduate of Wroclaw University of Technology. He also studied in England and Germany.

  • He gained experience in small start-ups, and then in international companies like: Bosch, Mitsubishi Electric or WAGO.

  • He specializes in programming PLC in Codesys environment in the Structured Text language.

  • He has already trained over 500 automation technicians in the field of PLC programming.

What will you get after enrolling in this course?

  • Over 20 practical video lessons

  • You will test your programs in free PLC simulator

  • Support from instructors on Discord chat

  • Live meetings with our PLC students

  • You will have homework to do on your own!

  • Video review of your homework on Loom

  • Opportunity to find a job in Europe

Program flow control

  • Conditional statement IF…ELSIF…ELSE

  • FOR…DO loop


  • Conditional statement CASE…OF

  • Exercises on projects and contact with the instructor

Pump station project

  • Create control algorithm for pump station

  • Create function block for manual/auto mode

  • Simulate process with PLC simulator

  • Create a web visualization

  • Use arrays and data structures

  • Use loops FOR and WHILE

  • Use IF…ELSE and CASE..OF instructions

Visualization in Codesys

  • Basic elements: lights/buttons/actuators

  • Handling of alarms and animations

  • Visualization templates for download

  • How to display web visualization in the browser

  • Uploading visualization to the HMI panel

Three-position temperature controller in the control cabinet

  • Design program of the controller in control cabinet

  • Program: Three-position temperature controller

  • Visu: create a control panel with screens

  • Display parameters on the graph

  • Do tests of your program

Lights control for Smart Home

  • Connect sensors, buttons and lights to PLC

  • Create a program for light control

  • Create manual and auto modes

  • Create HMI panel in CODESYS

  • Impress your work colleagues with your projects

Course Plan

1. Introduction to the course

1.1 How to use the course
1.2 Knowledge Forum – Discord Group
1.3 Introduction to the course
1.4 Introduction to ST language
1.5 Codesys environment installation
1.6 First ST program
1.7 ST language – knowledge test
1.8 Simple visualization in Codesys

2. Variables

2.1 Memory units, variable and constant definition
2.2 How to name variables, type BOOL
2.3 BOOL variable declaration
2.4 Integer variables – introduction
2.5 Integer variables – exceeding the range
2.6 Real variables
2.7 Tables
2.8 Structured type
2.9 Enumeration type
2.10 Local and global variables
2.11 Variables – Knowledge Test
2.12 Variables Homework

3. Operators

3.1 How to use the module: Operators
3.2 Assignment operator
3.3 Arithmetic operators
3.4 Logical Operators
3.5 Comparison operators
3.6 Operator Priorities

4. Program flow control instructions

4.1 IF statement
4.2 IF, ELSIF, ELSE statement
4.3 CASE…OF statement
4.4 WHILE loop
4.5 FOR loop
4.6 Program flow control instructions – knowledge test

5. Pump station project

5.1 Project description and requirements
5.2 Water generator function blocks
5.3 Pump control function block
5.4 Auto and Manual mode
5.5 PLC_PRG – Main program
5.6 Visualization template for pump
5.7 How to program alarms in CODESYS
5.8 How to array for PUMP object
5.9 Test your program and visualization
5.10 Get a video review of your homework assignment on Loom

6. Three-position temperature controller in the control cabinet

6.1 Design program of the controller in control cabinet
6.2 Program: Three-position temperature controller
6.3 Visu: create a control panel with screens
6.4 Display parameters on the graph
6.5 Do tests of your program
6.6 Use your skills with IF…ELSE statement
6.7 Get a video review of your homework assignment on Loom

7. Lights control for Smart Home - project

7.1 Connect sensors, buttons and lights to PLC
7.2 Create a program for light control
7.3 Create manual and auto modes
7.4 Create HMI panel in CODESYS
7.5 Impress your work colleagues with your projects
7.6 Get a video review of your homework assignment on Loom

8. Bonus! How to program Raspberry Pi with CODESYS

7.1 Create budget PLC from RPi
7.2 Download and install CODESYS runtime for RPi
7.3 Configure GPIO of RPi (inputs/outputs)
7.4 Communicate RPI via Modbus with external devices
7.5 Create a web visualization with graphs
7.6 Get a support on Discord channel with your RPi projects

Bonus! Equipment in the course

To complete the course, the free CODESYS simulator is sufficient.

As a bonus, we will show you how to configure physical PLC.

Why should you join this course?

  • You gain a skill highly valued by employers.

  • Change your job to automation programmer!

  • You receive lifetime access to the course.

  • Test your code in free PLC simulator.

  • You don’t need hardware. Only your laptop!

  • Learn to program in CODESYS

  • Create flexible web visualization form ready elements

  • Hundreds of students have verified this learning path.



Lifetime access
  •  Teaching materials, over 20 video lessons
  •  Analysis of your homework
  • Contact with the instructors
  • Consultations in the form of weekly live webinars
  • Private Discord channel
  • Satisfaction guarantee – 14 days to return the product
  • Proven educational path by over 2000 course participants
Join this course!

Structured Text Training



249 €

📖 Join the current group of students and start learning today!

Start PLC programming today!

Opinions from Students

A must-ride for anyone dealing with PLCs. I've been waiting for this course. I will return to the content there many times. I recommend.

Tomasz CzerwińskiCodesys programming course in ST language

A great course filled with substantive knowledge (very well-prepared materials) and examples that allow you to start your adventure with PLC. A big advantage is the support provided by the authors during the webinars. I would highly recommend.

Piotr KapustkaCodesys programming course in ST language

The course was well structured and the first of its kind in which I participated. A very good level of detail in the discussed issues related to the environment itself, such as the TIA Portal, as well as to the hardware level. After some lessons, we have to do something ourselves, so that it is not a synthetic science, but is supported by practice. The most phenomenal thing is the homework included in the course, for which we get "live" support in case of problems with their implementation. If I had to choose a course of this type again, I would not hesitate to choose it again. I highly recommend it, it's really worth it 🙂

Łukasz CzekajSiemens S7-1200, S7-1500 PLC programming course in LAD/FBD language

I was totally green in the subject of PLC, i.e. I knew what the inputs and outputs in the controller were and that was where my knowledge ended. There was practically nothing about PLC in college either.
The course helped me change my job and get a job in a machine manufacturing company.
Everything is well explained, you can practice everything on the simulator, so it's easy to visualize and learn the principle.
We always have access to the course, wherever we have access to the Internet 🙂 I recommend it to everyone. I am looking forward to the next editions of the course.

Leszek KasprzykSiemens S7-1200, S7-1500 PLC programming course in LAD/FBD language

A course at a very high level that met all my expectations. Materials in the form of video files and contact with the teacher - full professionalism. Another advantage of this type of course is the loose time frame that we can adjust to our pace of work. Kamil, who runs the course, thoroughly analyzes the homework sent to him and sends his observations in feedback. In my opinion, this course is a must-have item both for those starting their adventure with PLC programming, who want to learn the principles of good programming, as well as for people with experience.

Cezary LipskiSiemens Simatic S7-1200, S7-1500 PLC programming online course in SCL language

A very nice course. The lecturers discussed theoretical issues in a professional and at the same time very accessible way and presented the possibilities of programming PLC controllers on many examples. I am satisfied and I can definitely recommend it to everyone who wants to start their career with controller programming.

Tomasz GrzmilSiemens Simatic S7-1200, S7-1500 PLC programming on-line course in LAD/FBD language and HMI basics

The courses offered by ControlByte are a very good way to quickly learn Siemens PLCs. The materials are comprehensive, supported by practical examples, the issues are discussed in simple and understandable language. The authors support students at every stage, verify homework, send tips and suggestions. The course allowed me to expand and supplement my knowledge in the field of PLC programming, which contributed to the application of knowledge in practice and to the launch of the first production implementation, of course successfully. I highly recommend and encourage you to attend the course!

Robert GruberskiSiemens PLC course in SCL language / Siemens PLC course in LAD/FBD language

Kurs jest świetny. Posiada wiele przydatnych zagadnień niezbędnych przy programowaniu sterowników PLC. Prowadzący wszystko tłumaczą w jasny i czytelny sposób. Każdy moduł składa się z krótkich filmików ale bardzo treściwych. Jest to doskonała propozycja dla osób początkujących, którzy chcą w przyszłości programować Sterowniki PLC. Ten kurs uczy też dobrych praktyk, jeżeli chodzi o poprawne programowanie.

Sebastian WencelPLC programming course S7 1200 1500 in LAD and FBD languages

Hello, Really great course, a large dose of information in great quality. Knowledge delivered at the highest level - bravo Controlbyte. From the basics of building a controller to programming a sorting line. I've done S7-1200 programming courses in books before, but an online video course is in a completely different league. The use of Factory IO is a huge plus for the student and contact with the instructors during the course is a pleasure. I am looking forward to the next stage of the course - Intermediate LAD. I definitely recommend it.

Maciej PalaSiemens S7-1200 programming course - basic LAD.

A very good course for people who are starting their adventure with PLC. Step by step explained where it comes from. Lessons are organized in such a way that they do not overwhelm with too much information. Highly recommended and waiting for the next part

Daniel SzałkowskiSiemens S7-1200 PLC programming course - basics

Hello 🙂 A well-prepared course for total beginners. The right amount of information does not overwhelm the recipient, as at the beginning of programming. The quality of the recordings is great (both video and audio). I am waiting for the continuation of this course as well as for the course at a higher level, because I want to master the LAD language for S7-1200 controllers. Everything I mentioned is best supported by an example of a real machine/line (as it has been so far).

Andrzej MazurSiemens S7-1200 programming basics course

I am a person starting my adventure with PLC and for me this course was great. Explained step by step how and what to do and where it comes from. I highly recommend it and look forward to the next editions. Thank you and I recommend!!!

Piotr KoziełSiemens S7-1200 programming basics course

Hi! I want to thank you very much for the "SIemens S7-1200 Programming Course". The short films contained the maximum amount of information, without the so-called "pouring water". Pure knowledge, lots of examples, very interesting tasks to perform and tests. I am very pleased with both the quality of the courses and the service. It was my debut when it comes to online courses, so at the beginning I had some doubts, which later turned out to be completely unfounded. I highly recommend and look forward to the next editions 🙂

Daniel CzerniakSiemens S7-1200 programming course

I had the opportunity to use other driver programming courses and I am happy to say that this course is by far the best. I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn how to program PLC controllers.

Tomasz D.Basic Siemens S7-1200 Programming Course


How can I sign up for the course?

Use the “Join the Course” button on this website or send us an inquiry at:

Will I receive support from the instructors for this training?

Yes! We stay in touch with you through Discord channel –  chat for participants, forums, and live meetings – webinars.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

After that course, you will not get a certificate. If you enroll our full program, you will get a certificate like below:

Will I need a PLC controller during the course?

No! In the course you will use advanced PLC simulator, so you won’t need a real PLC controller. The PLC operation is simulated using the CODESYS environment.

Do I need to purchase a license for Codesys software?

No! CODESYS it is a free software. No time limit!. You will download a software directly from CODESYS store site.

What if it turns out that the course is not for me? Can I return the course?

You have 14 days to return the course, counting from the start date of the course. We guarantee a safe purchase.

Is the course suitable for me if I have no prior experience with programming?

Yes. This is a basic course, designed in such a way that even someone without any experience with PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) will be able to learn programming in Structured Text language.

How long will I have access to this course?

Access to the course is lifetime! As long as the ControlByte company exists in the automation market.

What does an online course on the ControlByte platform look like?

You get access to video materials with lessons explaining programming concepts. Participants follow exercises according to guidelines from the videos.

They also have homework assignments to solve independently. Homework projects are uploaded to the portal, where instructors check the tasks and provide feedback.

I would like to purchase training for my company. I need an official offer.

Please send an email with the information needed for the offer. We will send the offer to the indicated address. Upon receiving the order, we will grant you access to the course. Payment can be made according to the agreed commercial terms.

Can I receive an invoice?

No problem, please send us an email.

What if I have a problem or something is unclear?

Send us e-mail:

Basic Structured Text PLC Training



249 €